
When you use our platform, you can compare our benefits in the free section and the premium benefits section.
These are non-permanent, and you can pay when you want, it can be monthly, half-yearly or yearly depending on your availability.

  • Comparison table of Premium benefits

  • Free courses
  • See first class of premium courses
  • Social Media & Community
  • Save your classes
  • Save progress
  • Free web development
  • Free programming
  • Master classes of courses
  • Download of additional courses
  • Automatic Class Playback
  • New courses per month
  • Certificates
  • Unlimited access to all courses
  • Pay 4 months and get 18
  • Total Monthly Cost
  • Premium

  • $35.00

Give education

Build or be the pillar of education your loved ones, it will be well received, with Business Ya!, you can create or design your business.
